Jeremy Farrar, a member of Sage and director of the Wellcome Trust, has delivered a blistering attack on the government’s handling of the pandemic.
In a series of tweets this morning initially responding to a headline in the Daily Mail over the Government’s axing of Private Health England, Farrar referred to arbitrary sackings,passing of blame, ill thought through, short term, reactive reforms as well as out of context of under investment for years
He said that the response to a singular crisis without strategic vision needs for range future challenges, preempting an inevitable public enquiry.
“There is such an opportunity for a reforming, bold, strategic visionary administration & government. A moment out of crisis to seize. A unique opportunity to bring a country together across political divide.” he tweeted adding
“Better to listen,learn other countries, consider what long term public health trends,lessons from public enquiry & invest in a public health, prevention, social care & NHS that has what is needed & capacity to deal with expected & unexpected. A once in a life time opportunity.
Knee jerk,reactive,shortterm reforms that fail to listen or learn lessons from past, present crisis & future trends will be wasted opportunity for needed reform public health,social services & medical care.Learning lessons & commitment to real investment needed is the opportunity