Resident Ben Rhodes was delighted to cut the ribbon and officially open Heys Court, a residential scheme for adults with learning disabilities, based in Cheadle Heath, Stockport.
Heys Court, originally developed by Equity Housing Group in the mid-1970’s, has been remodeled by the housing association in partnership with Stockport Council, creating 19 apartments designed to enable residents to live more independently and a further six apartments, which are being used as assessment units for adults with higher dependencies.
Ben Rhodes, aged 20, who has been living in a one bedroomed apartment at the scheme for eight weeks said: “It’s great living here. I like having my own home and my own front door.”
Also living at the scheme are 71 year old twins Paula and Linda Hughes, who were previously living in a three bedroomed house in Stockport. The move enabled Stockport Homes, their previous landlord, to offer their original house to a family in need.
Paula Hughes said: “It’s lovely here, we have one apartment that is our bedroom and one that is our lounge. We have made a lot of friends and are very happy.”
The refurbishment cost £1.55m and took 47 weeks to complete and has many great features including a warden call system, which will allow for bespoke assistive technology additions for customers as and when they need it.
Councillor Keith Holloway, Stockport Council’s Executive Member for Supporting Adults, said: “With the help of the Stockport Clinical Commissioning Group, which have contributed to the running costs, the Heys Court development will provide people with learning disabilities somewhere local to live, where they can be independent and have a better quality of life.
“The assessment apartments on Stockport Road will also help people return to Stockport and prevent the need for residents to be placed out of the borough. This scheme is an excellent example of partnership working between the Council and Equity Housing, and I am delighted to have attended the official opening.”


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