The mangled remains of a fifty five year old man were found on the railway tracks just outside Victoria Station.
Stephen Ward’s injuries were so bad said the reports that he was almost unrecognisable, there was a deep hole in his head and his legs had been smashed.It was presumed that it was a suicide as it would have been difficult to get onto the track without surmounting a wall.
The London Times announced the death of Captain Arthur George Tillard of the Manchester Regiment killed in action on the 20th Oct.
He had served in the Boer War including the defense of Ladysmith and had been awarded the Queens medal.
There were reports from the front of another great battle raging on the Western Front as the Germans pushed to capture Calais.
Meanwhile King George V was in France visiting the General headquarters of the BEF.
It was one hundred and seventy one years since a British monarch had visited the European battlefield when George II visited Dettingen in Bavaria.
At a meeting of the Football league committee in Manchester it was decided that the competition should continue
The football season had continued unabated since the start of the conflict but they were reports now that Lord Kitchener intended to announce the prohibition of all further matches.
In the House of Commons the Prime Minister was asked whether he was aware that recruiting meetings held at football matches had produced disappointing results, and whether in view of the gravity of the crisis and the need for recruits he would introduce legislation taking power to suppress all matches during the crisis.