What was set to be the biggest sporting event in the 2020 calendar, the Tokyo 2020 Summer Olympic Games sadly did not occur because of the global Coronavirus pandemic. As thousands of athletes and trainers from all countries were gearing up to face what is considered the most important athletic competition in the world, everything sadly came to a screeching halt. Where at first, athletes, trainers, representatives from different countries, journalists and olympic betting guide websites were left in a blue state of mind, thinking of the realistic possibility of the 2020 Tokyo Games being all together cancelled, a beacon of light shined. The Games will go on, in Tokyo Japan, in 2021.
Where There Was Uncertainty Now There Is Hope
It was on March 24th, 2020, when it was officially decided by both the Japanese Government and the IOC (International Olympic Committee) that the 2020 Summer Olympic Games were not to be cancelled rather they were going to be postponed to 2021. With the Coronavirus Pandemic beginning its first true and hard strides towards bringing the world to its knees the hardest yet wisest decision needed to be made and was successfully achieved. It was respectfully decided that the Games of the XXXII Olympiad in Tokyo were to be rescheduled beyond 2020 but not later than summer 2021, to be able to guard and guarantee the health and safety of the athletes, trainers, workers and fans from around the world. It was decided also that both the Olympic and Paralympic Games will still hold the name Tokyo 2020.
While the idea of having the games cancelled did go through the minds of spectators, both the organizing committee as well as the IOC looked the other way, not giving in to the idea of having the most important sporting event in the world cancelled. There has been only three times in the history of the games where there have been official cancellations of the jousts, in 1916 because of the First World War and in 1940 and 1944 because of the Second World War, but for 2020 the fight to have the games was fought hard, valiantly and wisely, bringing at the end the best solution available.
Will There Be Fans In Attendance?
While the 2020 Olympic Games were originally postponed in order to restrain the devastating effects of the COVID-19 virus on athletes, trainers, workers as well as fans, very big and promising strides have been made towards having the games in 2021 be just as successful as they would’ve been in 2020 without the pandemic. In a worldwide scope the applications of virus fighting vaccines have come into play giving the general population a gigantic sigh of relief and optimism. Said optimism has passed on to the Tokyo 2020 organizing committee as well as the IOC, where real talks of having fans in attendance has come into play.
After having the vast majority of sports competitions be shut off, said events have come back and with them the idea of having fans in attendance. It is clearly understood that hosting fans from different places in the world will likely present logistical challenges of large scales with the pandemic being at different stages in different parts of the world. Both the IOC and the Tokyo 2020 Organization Committee are holding high hopes to the idea of having at least a limited capacity of fans attend the competitions especially with several sporting events in Japan already hosting fans. Also measures are already being discussed as to how to proceed in order to have fans attend. Possible travel restrictions depending on the state of the pandemic in each country as well as strict quarantine protocols, rapid testing and of course vaccinations are all valuable options.
What Matters Is Tokyo 2020 Is A Go!
There is no question as of right now that the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games will happen in the summer of 2021. The sporting event is being catalogued as a “beacon of hope to the word” during these times of troubles and misfortunes and will surely work as a light at the end of a very long and tedious tunnel.