An easing of the current lockdown is not expected this week and would “risk a second wave” of infections, Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab warned this afternoon at the Daily Press Conference
“We have come too far, lost too many loved ones and sacrificed too much to ease up,” he said ahead of a meeting of scientific advisers to review social distancing measures this week.
“It’s absolutely crucially important that we do not take our eye off the ball or the public’s focus on the thing that has been a success so far in relative terms, which is our ability through widespread support for our social distancing measures to deprive this virus of the means to spread.” he added
Meanwhile a total of 92 care homes have been hit with a coronavirus outbreak in the last 24 hours, Chief Medical Officer Chris Whitty said at the same conference.
Whitty said he would like to have more extensive testing in care homes “over the next few weeks.”
Asked if deaths were recorded properly in such settings, he said: “Everybody who sadly dies, the doctor will make an assessment based on her or his view about what the cause of death is, that’s what the death certificate says in all cases.”