Less than half of adults spending time with family and friends are fully respecting social distancing measures when they meet up.
The latest social survey released this morning by the Office for National Statistics, found that when meeting up with other people, almost half of adults (47%) said they always maintained social distancing, with less than 1 in 10 (8%) saying they rarely or never maintained social distancing.
More than 7 in 10 adults met up with other people to socialise this week – a similar proportion to last week . Half of all adults reported that family or friends had visited them at home this week.
As lockdown restrictions are gradually lifted, respondents were asked how comfortable they would feel to participate in a variety of leisure activities.
More than 3 in 10 adults said they would feel comfortable or very comfortable to eat indoors at a restaurant, a similar proportion to last week.
Just over 1 in 10 adults said they would feel comfortable or very comfortable to visit an indoor gym, 13% reported they would feel comfortable or very comfortable visiting an indoor swimming pool or water park, while 19% felt comfortable or very comfortable visiting an outdoor swimming pool or water park.
In the past seven days, more than 8 in 10 adults who have left their homes have worn a face covering to slow the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) – an increase from 71% last week and 61% the week before.
Of those who had been shopping this week, over three-quarters said they had worn a face covering.
Over half of adults strongly supported the mandatory wearing of face coverings in these places.