More than 40 Conservative Members of Parliament have signed a letter to the Prime Minister reportedly threatening to vote against the Local Government Finance Settlement if the Government doesn’t provide authorities with ‘hundreds of millions’ in additional funding
“Given the pressures that are being exerted on budgets we believe that any additional funding you are able to secure should be directed towards children’s services and home to school transport”.they write adding that they were “disappointed” with the lack of extra money and “exceptionally concerned that without any additional investment, the overwhelming majority of upper tier councils in our areas are planning service reductions and higher council tax in order that they can pass a balanced budget
Commenting on X Salford Mayor Paul Dennett said
“Positive MPs are ringing the alarm
bell for local government finances & the budget challenges we’re facing after 14 years of austerity / cuts when we set 2024/25 budget. Salford will have seen £245m cut since 2010/11 in cuts to government grants & unfunded budget pressures”
The Government last month announced a £64 billion provisional funding package, which, following a consultation, will be finalised in February with a vote in Parliament.