A thriving Heywood-based arts charity is helping to raise awareness of mental health issues thanks its innovative and pioneering projects which are benefitting hundreds of people across the borough.
Cartwheel Arts, which works in partnership with Rochdale Borough Council, has provided a vital support network to thousands since its formation over 30 years ago.
‘The centre underlined its successful approach to promoting social inclusion when its popular ‘Art for Wellbeing’ project took centre stage throughout National Mental Health Awareness Week.’
The project works with adults who have had mental experiences, through a range of creative art courses and projects, as well as providing a vital social and support network at the centre’s bustling Art for Wellbeing Studio, Dandelion Create on Oldham Road in Rochdale.
Julie Urmson, operational mental health lead for Rochdale Borough Council, said: “Cartwheel Arts has been at the heart of the local community for a generation. It does so much inspiring work to promote, cohesion and diversity. The centre is helping so many people from across the borough to not just survive, but also thrive.”
Kerry Bertram, Art for Wellbeing project coordinator at Cartwheel Arts, said: “Our aim is to provide imaginative arts projects, which inspire and challenge. We want people to explore and develop their creativity and talents, generating a sense of ownership and pride. We promote awareness of mental health issues all year round and are proud of the visionary work we do.”