Sachs Lord, the Night Time Economy Adviser for Greater Manchester, has reacted to Sajid Javid’s statement in Parliament today regarding covid restrictions
“The Health Secretary has given us a clear date for reopening, and we can only trust that this time the Government sticks to its promises.
Dates are nothing without information and I hope full guidance on what the reopening will entail will be published immediately to allow businesses a chance to plan ahead, recruit where necessary and prepare operationally.
With his wealth of business experience, I expect the new Health Secretary to have a better understanding than his predecessor of the plight and heartache of business owners across the country. Every measure put in place from a health perspective creates an economic impact wave on businesses, and I hope Mr Javid will work closely with Mr Sunak to ensure both health and economic needs co-exist positively.
I also hope the Health Secretary will put extra pressure on the Chancellor to support businesses given the confirmed extension of the roadmap to July 19. The financial impact of the pandemic will have long lasting effects on the night time economy and the sector urgently needs ongoing support including an extension to furlough and business rates holidays, in order to give venues a stable grounding on which to recover over the long term.”