Manchester Council leader Bev Craig says that  there are still too many people in this city that struggle from day to day.”

Craig was commenting on the latest State of the City report, the seventh year that it has been published

“The State of the City report gives us important insights about Manchester – our progress, the innovations that stand us apart, and the challenges that we know require further work to tackle. ” said Craig

“Our economy is going from strength to strength, with significant investment across the city, high numbers of jobs created, and advancements in key sectors such as digital, tech and research.

“But our residents are facing many challenges. The cost-of-living crisis has impacted our communities, already some of the most deprived in the UK, and although we work closely with our partners to improve the lives of Manchester people, the gap is too large and there are still too many people in this city that struggle from day to day.”

The report records that Manchester has an estimated population of 618,800 in 2023.The population of the city centre alone is approaching 100,000 people.

Manchester is seen as a thriving and inclusive place to live, study and work for people across age, ethnicity, gender, disability, sexuality, faith, or socioeconomic background.

Manchester continued to experience strong economic growth in key sectors such as professional, legal, and financial industries, digital and tech.

There is a strong pipeline of office floor space with up to 2.2million sq. ft of floor space under construction, supporting more businesses to operate in the city – the highest on record. Manchester’s economy is continually innovating and has diversified in recent years across a range of business sectors, supporting the city’s ongoing growth.

In October 2022, Manchester received formal recognition from the Real Living Wage Foundation for the city’s plan to become an accredited Living Wage Place. The number of people now receiving this has exceeded the original target.

While thousands of people are choosing to begin new lives in the city, the city also boasts an internationally renowned tourism offer. With a rich history vibrant cultural and music scene, and a recognised sport and leisure offer, the city is now attracting tourists in similar numbers as before the pandemic.

There is also renewed energy to invest in the city’s district centres outside the city centre. Areas such as Wythenshawe, Withington, Gorton, Moston Lane and Chorlton all have accelerated a programme of investment to support economic growth in Manchester’s communities.

There has been a significant improvement in education outcomes in the city with high quality teaching in schools as Manchester strives to offer quality education and ensure young people entering the workforce are well prepared.

According to Ofsted ratings, 93% of early years, 92% of primary schools and 81% of secondary schools have been rated “Outstanding” or “Good” following inspection. Overall, 90% of Manchester schools have achieved this status.


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