Police have circulated an image of a man they wish to speak to in relation to an assault in Manchester City Centre two weeks ago
The man approached a door entrance of a business premises on Tib Street.
The suspect became aggressive and pushed the victim after a discussion, which he apologies for, before striking the victim in the face, subsequently losing one of his teeth.
The offender made off in an unknown direction and no arrests have been made.
Enquires are ongoing.
PC Ulzaman from our Initial Investigation Unit said: “This incident has resulted in a man suffering an injury which saw the victim lose a tooth in an unprovoked attack.
“Over the past couple of weeks we have been trying to the full circumstances of this assault, if anyone was present at the time and witnessed anything, please do not hesitate to make contact with us and if anyone recognises the man in the image, please get in touch also, he may be able to assist us with our enquiries.”