Singing by a few individuals towards the end of the Good Friday performance of the Bodyguard at Manchester’s Palace Theatre saw police called and people thrown out
The theatre had controversially told people not to sing along with the songs of the show, but reports from inside the theatre said a small minority of people decided to ignore the rule.
Staff tried to eject them from the theatre and police were called with a premature end to the performance ten minutes earlier than scheduled
Twitter users took to the social media platform to describe what happened.
“Went to The Palace Theatre in Manchester to watch The Bodyguard and a bunch of entitled pricks starting singing over the lead during the final song. A riot broke out, the show was cancelled and the police were called.”
“At the Palace Theatre Manchester. Security throwing people out for singing. Had to leave early during the Bodyguard because Police called because of security incident.”
“Theatre pulled the show at the end tonight because of disgusting behaviour. We wanted to carry on but it had become a major incident. I’m really sorry to what was 99.9% a brilliant audience that a few badly behaved individuals ruined it.”
“They decided not to finish the performance because of the disruption. Feel so sorry for the whole cast. Respect to all the staff at the Manchester Palace for trying to deal with an incredibly difficult situation. Three police vehicles outside the theatre. Awful.”
Manchester Council’s City Centre spokesman Pat Karney said on twitter
“We have been briefed by GMP this morning.Giving the pressures on them it’s appalling that police officers had to attend the Theatre .Anything can happen with large crowds so it was important for GMP to maintain order.The people removed should be ashamed of themselves.”