An upgraded surgical theatre with state-of-the-art new robotic equipment is now in use and enhancing treatment for patients at Stepping Hill Hospital, while helping the future of innovative surgery in Stockport.

The new laparoscopic (or ‘keyhole’) equipment allows surgical teams to carry out procedures using smaller incisions than conventional surgery. It makes use of warm air to reduce the post-operative pain which can be caused by a cold abdomen following surgery, and which also prevents the fogging of the camera lens, which could previously make operations take longer. The technology means safer surgery, and allows patients to recover more quickly too.

The theatre will be used to operate on around 1000 patients a year, used on surgery for laparoscopic bowel resection for conditions such as appendicitis, bowel cancer, rectal prolapse or Chron’s disease. The quality of the technology is Ultra 4K which gives the surgeon much better view with the new equipment, which will benefit many more patients.

The new theatre also features integrated digital cameras built into theatre, which can be also used for remote teaching. With internet access this can allow teaching with medical colleagues both nationally and internationally. The old camera stacks were more cumbersome to use and more easily damaged. The integrated theatre reduces trip hazards and moving and handling, makes for an easier and more efficient working environment for the surgical team, and will help to improve the recruitment and retention of surgical staff in this improved working environment.

It uses the latest high-quality precision equipment from Karl Storz, who are leaders in the field of laparoscopic technology. The investment of £300k represents good value to the organisation as the integrated theatre can be used more times a week than the previous camera stacks, and will also mean reduced maintenance and repair costs required for the older equipment, which will mean cost savings over the longer term.

Natasha Henley, Stockport NHS Foundation Trust Associate Medical Director for Surgery said “We are delighted to have opened our new fully integrated laparoscopic theatre. Not only will this improve our provision of laparoscopic surgery, we will have more opportunities for training and teaching both in theatre and remotely.”


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