Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust have become the first NHS Trust in the UK to launch Green Rewards, a behaviour change programme aimed at encouraging employees to take actions that improve sustainability and wellbeing.

The programme launched to over 20,000 employees across Manchester NHS, covering the Trust’s nine hospitals as well as the city’s NHS community health services through Manchester Local Care Organisation (MLCO). Green Rewards encourages a range of positive behaviours including recycling, energy saving, sustainable travel and other wellbeing activities such as keeping active and spending time outdoors.

Through an online platform and mobile app, employees are able to track their actions, such as travelling to work actively, and earn ‘Green Points’ for taking part. Employees that earn the most points in a month are awarded a voucher – with a choice including local cinemas and high street vouchers – whilst top performing departments will be rewarded with donations for Trust charities, with £1,000 to be donated in the first year of the scheme.

Claire Igoe, Head of Environmental Sustainability at Manchester NHS Trust said:

“Green Rewards brings together sustainability and wellness in a fun, competitive way that we feel is really going to capture the imagination of our employees. We’re rewarding people for taking a whole range of actions that will help us reduce our environmental impact, and as one of the largest NHS Trusts in the UK we’re hoping to lead the way in delivering sustainable healthcare.”

Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust joins clients from across the private, public and university sectors in implementing a behaviour change programme which will be delivered by engagement specialists Jump. This year Jump has already launched programmes with Aberdeenshire Council, Emerald, University of Bristol and Nottingham Trent University.

Graham Simmonds, Chief Executive of Jump, said:

“NHS Trusts across the UK face a challenge in engaging employees across multiple sites and working environments, especially reaching out to those who aren’t desk based. Jump offers a technological solution, with our platform and app accessible to employees anywhere and anytime so will engage those not traditionally in the scope of conventional sustainability communications.”


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