Manchester forest school We Are Adventurers, who partners with schools to provide outdoor learning sessions as part of the curriculum, has started a free online forest school open to all parents via their Facebook page.”

Sessions will be aimed at helping parents with practical ideas to help their children connect with nature along with age appropriate learner led videos to take children on a virtual, and educational, journey. There will also be some live Q&As to provide additional support.

Lead adventurer Paul WIlcox says: “At a time when everything has closed, even the smallest amount out outside space can be used to engage children in the most positive way. As always, we are committed to protecting mental health and physical wellbeing during these confusing and uncertain times.”

Check out their forest school videos on their Facebook page! Families can even catch up on the videos they’ve missed with classes live now for:

  • Daily Challenge: Colours in Nature. Take a handful of colouring pencils and find something for every single colour you can see. How many shades of pink can you see from your window?

  • Daily Challenge: Nature Crown. Create a beautiful crown using the nature you can find in your garden (or the craft box in your kitchen!)

  • Daily Challenge: Memory Game. Find some items around the garden or home and place them on a table. Close your eyes and items will be removed one by one. Time to play the memory game!

For more information about We Are Adventures, follow on social media or visit:


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