Schemes to create homes that are affordable for Manchester people have been granted more than £45million the City Council can now confirm.
The funding will help deliver 1772 new homes at sites across the city up to 2021.
Manchester’s combined £45m grant, announced formally by the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA), was bid for by registered housing providers and social landlords, including the City Council.
The funding will support the delivery of a range of two and three bedroom properties that will be affordable for Manchester people, as well as a range of adapted homes suitable for people with learning disabilities.
The Council in partnership with Northwards Housing, the Council’s arm’s length property management organisation, will receive funding of £2.85m – that will create a total of 75 properties in north Manchester.
The funding success comes as the City Council reveal its Manchester specific housing affordability policy that aim to create up to 2,000 homes that are affordable to Manchester people each year.
The scheme will help those people in the city who earn less than the average household income into secure and decent housing, across a range of tenures.
Cllr Bernard Priest, Deputy Leader of Manchester City Council, said: “We have set an ambitious target to deliver up to 2,000 homes that are affordable across the city each year. This will be a major challenge to ensure those whose income is lower than the city’s average can get decent and secure housing. This funding is a great boost for new homes in the city.”
Sue Abbott, chair of the board at Northwards Housing, said: “We’re delighted the £2.85m bid, made in partnership with the council, has been successful. There’s a very real need for more affordable, good quality accommodation in North Manchester. Northwards looks forward to the completion of the 75 new homes and supporting the families who will live in them.”