I knew I was in for a busy day and it began with an early meeting that I was absolutely dreading.
It wasn’t actually that bad after all as everyone was “playing nice” and my stress levels are getting more under control as I’m taking a slightly different approach to the confrontation by using silence as my weapon of choice. It’s actually quite effective as the offending person knows deep down they are being ridiculous and leaving it hanging there just let’s everyone else know this too. Well, that’s what I tell myself anyway.
It rained quite a lot today and was very noisy on the roof so not even my magic headphones could cancel it all out. The patio looks good though, as the wet-look hides a multitude of sins.
I once paid an extra £100 to have the on-trend extra seal “wet look that all the Cheshire Housewives are having on their patios” applied only to have my parade rained on by Dave when he pointed out it’s always actually wet as the weather’s always shocking in Manchester. Oh well – I’m not know for my common sense. I could hear the workmen silently high five each other and shout “sucker” as they drove away.
I had a really fun chat with mum & dad tonight and found out that one of my girl cousins is also dressing properly for work as it makes her feel better too. Plus, she’s always drinking wine too so it must be hereditary as that’s what I do!
The Sainsbury’s delivery for mum & dad tomorrow had grown arms and legs so is a super-shop! It’s very exciting and I did a very methodical virtual tour around their house and added all kinds of stuff that they use. Actually, that should be that they used to use when I was a child! I have no idea if they still use Aqua Fresh toothpastes, white dishcloths or domestos bleach or eat crumpets like they did back in 1972 but the man is bringing them lots of it to save them worrying.
Honestly, I’m more worried about them being exhausted carrying it all into the house or dad feeling obliged to get his drill out to add extra reinforcements to the cupboards than anything.
It was 9:30pm by the time I settled down to do nothing but I’d had a happy few hours chatting to one of my girlie friends and watching a few of the memes pinging around social media. The one by “Tiny Tim” trying to join the Wythenshaw Amateurs football club had me giggling so much there were tears running down my face. If you’ve not seen it, have a look and I defy you not to laugh out loud.
My List: A couple of pages of my book; a quiz on Manchester towns; & today is a first for a while as I didn’t watch a single episode of Modern Family but I did watch episode 3 of Blood – I think I know what’s going on but no idea who did it yet.
My Lowlight: Aaah, poor Dave was a bit grumpy today but he hid it well. So well that I didn’t even notice until he told me. That’s why it’s my lowlight as I didn’t pick up on it as I was so wrapped up in my own stuff. He doesn’t get very grumpy very often and I can’t really do anything to cheer him up right now. He’ll be back to happy tomorrow, hopefully. If not, I’ll cook him something – that usually makes him smile not because it is delicious but because my efforts are more like Ria from Butterflies than Master Chef.
My Highlight: Oh, it really did make me laugh today when I had an e-mail from the Barry Manilow shop to tell me that you can buy protective masks featuring the man himself for $5.99 and all the money goes to charity. I think I probably need to explain why I am on their list for those who do not know – seeing Barry Manilow in Vegas was the first item that was added to my infamous bucket list as a child. Obviously, I didn’t have the concept of a bucket list back then but it was definitely something I knew I wanted to do. I managed to do this as part of my 50th celebrations last year and naturally bought some mementoes for me and everyone else – whether they wanted them or not! Hence, I’m on their mailing list. As an aside/future topic for discussion, I’m also on the fan club list. I bet you can’t wait to hear all about that. LOL!