I worked very very hard today and didn’t stop from 8am until after 8pm. It was all incredibly intense and I am absolutely shattered. Not much else to report, sorry.
YIPEE the freezer drawers have arrived but I don’t have any energy to open the parcel.
My List: A bit of my book, Dear Mrs Bird – it’s like stepping back in time; & binge watched the last 2 episodes of Quiz – I’m still not sure if they were guilty or not.
My Lowlight: 1.5 hours of “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” on the accordion. SERIOUSLY, NEIGHBOURS – PLEASE STOP!!
My Highlight: Having a 5 metre apart face-to-face chat with one of the neighbours. It was lovely to not have to use a computer or a screen.
My Anxiety Level: Medium and irritated.
Roll on Day 24 – it’s surely got to be better than today.