Welcome to Maundy Thursday! I may be a very very lapsed Catholic but, they are right what they, whomever they are, say – it never leaves you.
I still refer to the Thursday before Good Friday as Maundy Thursday and hadn’t realised how much it actually stands out these days as most people I work with didn’t know what it was when I mentioned it. Except for one chap who commented afterwards that his “Cathdar” – a very similar device to a “Gaydar” – went into overdrive.
Nicola Sturgeon was excellent being interviewed by the very often mean Kay on breakfast news. Nicola was being challenged on her decision to let her Chief Medical Officer resign and, instead of chucking her under the proverbial bus to save her own skin, she calmly explained that they both wished she could have stayed but the overall risk to the “stay at home to save lives” message was too great. Fabulous leadership skills, Nicola, and I may listen to you with kinder ears.
Kay had also clearly had some feedback about her yelling like a fishwife behaviour from the other week when officials were walking into number 10 so was far more polite with her guests when she had to make them “bear with” to quote Miranda’s mate. I’d still have been miffed, though, to be rudely interrupted for somebody seemingly more important. In fact, I’d have been tempted to hangup the line but no doubt this would backfire.
Not much to report workwise today other than it was a crazy crazy day in crazyville where I sat glued to the chair plugged into calls all day wishing I could just sit outside and chill on the patio like my very loud neighbour who was talking to her “guys” all day, or so it seemed.
We had a nice walk round the empty block and got back in time for the 8pm non-clap as nobody comes out by us which is all a bit odd. We also bumped into one of neighbours who has just been discharged from hospital and it was a stark reminder that the NHS are also dealing with all the usual things and not just Covid-19.