Of course the bloody sun is shining today as it is a work day. AAARRRGGGHHH!! My only consolation is that it is absolutely blowing a gale so it wasn’t really sitting out in the garden weather at all.
Do you remember me talking about Fred’s new restaurant over the weekend? Well, it was on tonight and it was ok but a little bit disappointing, mainly because the diners didn’t know all they were consuming was being burned off by others in the lower floor gym so they ordered as they would do normally. The other disappointing element – and I really do know this will make me sound like a horrid person before you read on – but all the people in the gym were full-on-gym-bunnies instead of fatties like me!
It would have been so much better if the diners knew and the people were just average people. It would also have been much funnier but the message would have hit home more, in my opinion. The funniest thing in the programme was listening to Xavier Gonzales as he sounded more Manc than me! Most of the diners said having been through this experience, it would make them think twice before they ordered the cake or the overly calorific food so, good job, Fred.
It made me think about the unintended consequences of our actions in the current Covid-19 crisis, though, as we really do not know the true impact of our actions. Not to be overly dramatic about the situation but, when we go out or behave irresponsibly, we don’t know number of people who will die as a direct result of our actions. However, if we knew, a bit like the diners once they saw the people hard at work in the gym, I guess the majority of us would behave differently. So, why don’t we all pretend we already have this hindsight and just stay in. It really isn’t that difficult.
I used to love Prince Harry but he seems to have lost his way a bit and to announce the Sussexes will no longer be dealing with the tabloids when the world is in crisis seems a little self-indulgent to say the least. All I can say is thanks for telling us but I’ve lost interest and a whole lot of respect for you.
My Parallel Universe: I would still have been in Lisbon all week, never mind.
My List: It was a bit of a draining day so all I managed was a couple of chapters of Dear Mrs Bird – it was a sad part of the book as her fiancée decided to marry somebody else and told her in a very matter-of-fact way but she is definitely better off without him.
My Lowlight: Being incredibly sad as one of my best friend’s mum died today. She was 94 and had Covid-19 but everyone thought she was getting better. I hope she rests in peace. I felt even more lucky to talk to my mum and dad this evening and they were still on very good form so I hope this continues.
My Highlight: We had a really good Italian lesson and both got an A for our homework (see, Dave, mine was absolutely fine!). To be fair, and I know this will be a bit controversial but, it must be the modern new-fangled definition of an A as it would only have got a C in my day.