Oh, what joy as this Bank Holiday Monday was the laziest of lazy days to begin with and I didn’t get ready until 2pm. It was blissful! Just so you don’t think I am a complete wastrel, I did do my blog & Italian homework “WFB” (Working From Bed).
I watched a bit of Ruth & Eamon and found myself wondering if my usually inquisitive brain had also gone into lockdown as there were conspiracy theories galore about what the government is or isn’t telling us. I think they are doing a really good job in very difficult circumstances and I doubt very much anyone would get things completely right – hindsight, as we know, is a wonderful thing.
It was absolutely shocking to think that this is a prime time for fraudsters to scam vulnerable and, sometimes naive people. I hope that everyone is being mindful and not giving up vital information to these dreadful people. Note to self: Remind my parents to cancel their 99 pence for the first month Amazon Prime.
When I was getting ready yesterday, I had to switch over the channel as I was in danger of my very carefully applied eye makeup running down my face as I could feel a sob building in my throat. I was only watching BGT, it’s not one of my regular things, and there was a group of young people, some disabled, doing “This is Me” from The Greatest Showman with sign language. What I hadn’t relied is that this was a very recent repeat and the same group, Sign With Me, were on the TV again this morning. Oh my, the tears were welling up once again and it was just beautiful. I will be amazed if they don’t win this year when the competition is allowed back.
I am usually quite tough and hate crying in public, even just in front of Dave, but this lockdown malarky means a lump in my throat is never too far away. I know I often have my anxiety levels marked as “Low” but I am beginning to wonder if my “ignore it and it will go away” coping mechanism has gone into overdrive and I am actually closer to the edge than I’m realising.
Judge Rinder was giving some legal advice and I think he is one of the loveliest men on the TV. About a year ago, I went to the filming of “Judge Rinder” and in-between filming when he came to talk to us all, he struck me as a very kind man, and I decided that I wanted him to be my friend. Don’t worry – I didn’t start stalking him and the closest I got was adding him to my “which 3 famous people would you invite to dinner” list. When I explained to one of my friends about my new friend request to the universe, she did ask, quite seriously, what on earth would I talk to him about in the monthly lunch I told her I would like to have. ‘The same crap I talk to the rest of you about, of course”, I exclaimed! Anyway, the universe hasn’t granted my wish but there’s still time.
My Parallel Universe: We’d be packing up early to get on the road to come home from Herefordshire. Never mind – next Easter will be here before we know it.
My List: What an action packed day – Italian homework & fun lesson (aaah, poor Dave got a C+ but mine wasn’t even marked but it would have been a D if I was lucky!); Sat on my plush bright orange sunflower chair to read my book and the papers; A veritable feast of calls with family & friends. (Our Danish friends were on good form and very chatty – they are not in as much lock down as we are.
I am not sure if this is a good thing or not as I cannot believe that Spain is going to start to reopen some shops – seriously?); and Tonnes of TV – James Martin on tour, Braydon from FYI on Sky told us about a sausage dog that sprained its tail as it had been wagging it so much as everyone was home all the time), Quiz (how good is the actor who plays Chris Tarrant!), Gordon, Fred & Gino in Las Vegas (apparently Las Vegas is on the cutting edge of cuisine and to Fred’s disgust, they tried a $777 burger that looked very unappetising but it was served with champagne not Prosecco so not all bad!).
My Lowlight: One of my bestest, oldest and loveliest friends may have Covid-19. She works for the NHS – it says it all. I am trying to keep it in perspective but it is such a worry. I’m terrified for her, her husband and 2 teenage kids, especially her husband who is over 50 and Asian so, for whatever reason, is a higher risk. I hate this virus.
My Highlight: Finally catching up with my friend who has recently lost her dad – I’ve been so worried about her but she looks great and as gorgeous as ever.