Oh, I slept like a baby last night and it was blissful. That doesn’t happen very often these days but when it does, there’s nothing like it in the world.
Kay Burley was a bit feisty this morning with Sadiq Khan and her other “guests” (for “guests”, read “victims”)! It was all a bit much for early morning but the main point of the conversation was that Boris is still in hospital in intensive care which is really worrying. Matt and Chris seem to be recovering well, if not 100%, so I wonder why it has affected Boris so much more? There’s so much we don’t know about this virus and hopefully we’ll find out soon.
Has anyone else noticed the “my bookshelf is bigger and better than yours” phenomenon sweeping the news pundits as they join the various news programmes from their studies at home? There are some very impressive libraries out there in journo-land. There are also a few Ikea jobs with two books but I loved the fact Carol Malone, one of my favourites, just did it from her kitchen – and what a beautiful kitchen it is!
I checked my blog on the site today and my bloody predictive auto word checker thing has been up to mischief again. I try to spot these annoying errors but just sometimes, a few slip through the net. I’m sure it changes the words when I’m not looking or have swiped up. Sorry about this, did you notice? I know I need to be very careful as “Wuhan” defaults to “Wigan” on this new phone but I’m training it not to or else all kinds of mayhem could erupt.
The other thing I’ve been wrestling with for a while is the apostrophe after the likes of weeks’. It is correct but a bit old fashioned as most people, including the last couple of communication experts I worked with. I’m not one for following the crowd but really not sure what to do. I worry that people will think I’m a dumbass or I’ll sound like a pompous ass, at any rate. A bit like when I correct people as you do pronounce the “t” at the end of “Moët”. I’m now thinking pompous ass – LOL!
Working from home was a bit annoying today as it was so sunny I couldn’t see my pointer on the screen. My next door neighbour has taken to working in the garden and she is VERY loud but she probably thinks I’m very loud too. At least many of us have the technology to do this as I’ve been shocked that some sectors still use paper files, especially in the courts. Come on people – embrace the new world and invest in encryption.
We were very excited to have our first Zoom night with some friends and their two lovely, lively and hilarious girls. It didn’t quite get off to a good start as, remember all the lovely food we put in the freezer last night? Well, the 2nd drawer of the freezer is now frozen solid too so, as ever, I should have listened to my inner voice. Crap – we are now down to one drawer and it’s the smallest one of the three. I was so cross with myself but the wine soon helped. So, that’s a job for the weekend. Joy unconfined!
Our friends sorted out the entertainment so we started with Five Second Rule. Quite bizarrely, it’s one of my favourite games but Dave absolutely hates it as he feels the pressure and can’t think quickly enough – aaaah, poor Dave! Followed by Family Trivial Pursuit and I’ll tell you what, the children’s questions were more difficult than ours – I had no idea a rain forest had four layers! It was so funny that we found out that the collective noun for pandas is “wardrobe” but when we looked it up, it’s actually “cupboard” – well, near enough is good enough!
My List: I’m really enjoying my book – who’s have thought Li(f)e could be such a Lie! – so that’s dominating my list somewhat. It’s definitely fun and light relief after my last one.
My Lowlight: For the second day in a row, I’ve been tortured by that God awful piano practice. It just winds me off the clock. Probably says more about me than anything.
My Highlight: Loving my new phone despite the random auto-correct.
My Anxiety Level: Back to Low – phew!