I can’t believe my ears this morning – Italy is beginning to open up again but it sounds way too early. Apparently, it is only for student supply shops and laundrettes.
Do you know, I hadn’t even considered people still using laundrettes but when I think back to when I first moved to Manchester to a top floor flat in Prestwich they didn’t have the plumbing to allow a washing machine, I’d have been lost without my service wash. Ok, so the lovely lady shrunk everything I owned but at least it was clean and smelled fresh.
To be honest, even if I could have had one installed, I wouldn’t have been able to afford one as I was just starting off. Even now, I have my “poor star” that takes pride of place on my Christmas tree as a reminder that it’s not always been this easy.
It struck me today that even in such a relatively short space of time, although it feels like an age some days, we’ve got so much better at using what we’ve got and making things last rather than having what we fancy. I don’t think this is a bad thing but I do wonder if this will all gets forgotten as soon as life goes back to normal. I hope not.
You can tell the story is moving on as we are now hearing more and more about the retrospectives and what we ought to have done. We will definitely have a tonne of lessons to learn but we are still only part way through this pandemic so need to make sure we stay focused on getting through and surviving before we start pointing fingers.
There is also the change in the tide as we start talking about where the balance point is in terms of lives versus livelihood. I am just glad I am not the one making the decisions as they are massive and as big as they come. The economic repercussions will be felt for years to come and we need to be kind to the decision makers as this is hard. It’s so easy for us all to point out the holes in things, throw in the odd rock here & there and be vocal about “what I’d do if I were you”.
The most ridiculous thing that I saw today was a bloke in his 20s having a run and had his hair in a “bam bam” from The Flintstones ponytail on top of his head. If he had any sense he have just got the kitchen scissors and chopped it off. I was very tempted to help him!
My List: Yay – I fixed my skipping rope and managed 21 consecutive skips; and Watched an episode of the modern classic, Brassic – I’m very much looking forward to season 2 in May 2020.
My Lowlight: Too many people out & about on our exercise walk. I was extra panicked as I found out my old boss and my friend’s mum now have it so I saw everyone as a potential threat in my higher awareness state.
My Highlight: YAY – my friend hasn’t got COVID-19. It was some sort of virus or 24 hour bug. It just shows you that we have forgotten there are other things at play as per usual circumstances.
My Anxiety Level: Low – thankfully.
Day 23 is going to be difficult as work is so stressful right now. It’s crazy really as it isn’t life and death and the world is going to pot around us. I’m not sure if it’s a good thing or a bad thing that I’m so focussed but it is what it is. Ho hum!