The Green Party’s candidate in the forthcoming Gorton by election will be Jess Mayo.
Announcing the candidate, Green co chair and MP Caroline Lucius said that in the last general election, Greens came 2nd in Manchester Gorton and are the only Party who can win this seat from Labour.
The Greens, she said, were the only Party able to offer genuine principled and consistent leadership on everything from Brexit to tackling the housing crisis.
“From investment in a publicly owned NHS and in hospitals like the Royal Infirmary, proper funding for local schools.”
She added that:
“A Green vote on May 4th would be one for a close relationship with the EU, not the dangerous, damaging cut adrift version that the Tories and Labour have set in motion.Manchester is a city that’s been enriched and grown thanks to free movement and immigration. Jess won’t stand by and let the language of hatred and scapegoating divide people from their neighbours. Community cohesion matters to her and she’d work hard to support brilliant projects like Trinity House, where we are today. Projects that bring people together and make them feel safer. That make everyone feel like they belong.”
The election will take place after the death of the area’s long-standing Labour MP Sir Gerald Kaufman, who died last month aged 86.
He held the seat for Labour at the last election after taking 67% of the vote and securing a majority of 24,097.