Norwegians are fanatical about betting, and online casinos are increasingly popular in the country, attracting new users daily.
With several facilities, nytt nettcasino games have grown not only in Norway but all over the world, which can even have the experience of facing players from other regions on the internet, in addition to having the comfort of using entertainment wherever you want, through applications on smartphones or tablets, as long as you have an internet connection.
In this way, it is possible to combine entertainment with the possibility of winning, but of course, always betting responsibly when it comes to real money. In addition, there are several game options, please different profiles of gamblers.
As people try to discover new types of business to explore we come to a question: are online casinos a profitable type of business?
To answer that question, we’ve searched for the help of Nina Olsendburg, an expert on online casinos here, and found some interesting information. We’ll share this below with you.
Profit numbers on casino sites and apps
This is the first thing you should think about if you want to start a business in this industry and we must say that the numbers are pretty good. According to many studies made by some important companies, the online casino business is bringing more and more profit to investors and creators.
These numbers have increased considerably during the pandemic, as people were not able to go to land-based casinos and had to find other alternatives to continue playing their favorite games and, in some cases, even passing time while they had to stay home.
The profit increased even more on those platforms that also offered apps. According to the report, with the pandemic, apps exploded, becoming a worldwide fever and attracting many players. Taking into account the period from August 1, 2020, to the same day and month in 2021, there were 83 billion ad impressions, 1.1 billion clicks, and 12 million installs from 239 apps. In addition, nearly $1 billion was spent on casino apps by users of the iOS operating system, according to the report.
Furthermore, the report shows that women like online casinos too, with users being split exactly 50/50 between women and men. Another interesting point is that most fans are people over 45 years old.
This shows how casino games through the apps have once and for all fallen into the popular worldwide taste, even being an interesting alternative to enjoy in complicated times, such as the pandemic, where everyone had to follow a quarantine at home at some point, with few entertainment options, and with land-based casinos not being able to operate.
What attracts people to online casinos
After knowing that the numbers are pretty good for this kind of business, it is time to understand why it attracts people and what an online casino must have in order to be considered a good option for gamblers.
The main thing that attracts gamblers to these platforms is certainly the possibility to continue gambling without having to worry about the time or day of the week. They are open 24/7 and most of them don’t come with local regulation, with you being able to gamble in international casinos and face opponents from different countries.
Among the most important things you should focus on having on your casino website to make it appealing for users, we highlight:
- an easy and friendly interface
- promos and offers that provide good experiences to gamblers
- the most popular games available
- a good and efficient support
With all these ingredients, we are sure that your gambling site or app will explode and, consequently, have the chance of reaching great revenues and attracting new users constantly.
Even higher growth forecast in the coming years
The online gaming and casino industry tends to grow even more in the coming years, surpassing the numbers of customers and registered users by other large sectors, such as the streaming giants HBO Max, Netflix, and others.
A survey pointed out that 42.2% of respondents admitted to having spent more on gambling in 2022 and 2021 than they used to do before. This is just one arm of a constantly growing industry. The prediction is that in the coming years the online gaming and betting market will reach US$ 200 billion in revenue annually.
The figures point to an increasingly digital future for the sector, which is also supported by the growing popularity of e-Sports, another great promoter of the sector and which features multiple engagement tools such as, for example, broadcasts via Twitch.
Final Words
With all that was said here, it is possible to conclude that casino sites and apps are indeed very profitable businesses and, consequently, great options for those who want to engage in something modern but that will also provide good revenues.