Manchester student Usman Shah,had released his debut production, ‘Majorelle Shell’.
An independent film, it tells the story of ‘Doll’, who has spent every day of his life listening to instructions he doesn’t understand, only knowing that disobeying them leads to punishment.
Each day is the same until he receives a key to the doors on the other side of the room. As far as Doll is aware, there is nothing, until he opens the first door.
The film took four months to shoot at a cost of £2,000 – all raised through donations and crowdfunding.
More than 25 people were involved in the production which was filmed across the UK including Manchester, Yorkshire and Wales.
Director Usman Shah said: “This if my first, of hopefully many, feature films and I’m thrilled to be releasing it today after what has been a long and challenging four months.
“The film tells a unique tale of someone’s life turned upside down after everything he knows is questioned. It’s really a very art-deco style film that challenges how we see everyday life.
Shah concluded: “I’d like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who assisted and supported me in the making of this film, especially; Kit Preston, my lead actor; my dad, whom without this couldn’t have happened and John Leech for his invaluable support and guidance throughout.
“It’s been an incredible experience and I want to thank everyone involved.”
Former south Manchester MP and Liberal Democrat Culture & Media spokesperson, Cllr. John Leech, was one of the executive producers working closely with Mr Shah, offering advice and experience during production.
The recently elected councillor, John Leech, said: “There is no doubt that Usman is an exceptionally talented film-maker and I’m sure that he will go on to much bigger productions from here.
“The film is exquisitely shot with some tremendous acting and a fascinating concept. It’s just a really beautiful film, and it is a testament to Usman’s complete dedication to this project, and his skills, that he has pulled off a film of cinematic quality on a budget most producers would turn their noses up at.”