One of the people tasked by the Government into looking at the viabilty of HS2 Lord Berkeley says that there is “overwhelming evidence” that the rail line’s costs are “out of control” and that its benefits have been “overstated” by ministers and officials.
Taxpayers are, he says, on course to make a £40 billion loss on HS2 after Parliament was “misled” about its costs.
Lord Berkley also warns high-speed trains will not reach Manchester and Leeds until 2040 and said that spending money on improving rail services in the north of England was far more important.
“That’s where the really bad quality railways are,” Lord Berkeley said, adding that a complete upgrade “could probably be done at half the cost of HS2”.
Lord Berkeley was the deputy chairman of the independent Oakervee Review in to HS2, set up by the government.
However, he has withdrawn his backing from the review, which is expected to be published in the coming months.
He says he disagrees with a draft version of its official report and as a result has published his own version.