Household debt rose sharply over 2018, with unsecured debt (debt other than mortgages) reaching new highs according to figures published this morning.
Analysis by the TUC showed that Unsecured debt per household rose to £15,385 in the third quarter of 2018, which is up £886 on a year earlier.
Total unsecured debt rose to £428bn in the third quarter of 2018 – a record high, and well above the £286bn peak in 2008 ahead of the financial crisis,
As a share of household income it is now 30.4%, the highest it’s ever been, and above the level it reached in 2008 ahead of the financial crisis (27.5%).
The TUC says government austerity and years of wage stagnation are key reasons behind the increase in unsecured debt.
Working families on average worse off today than before the financial crisis. This means millions of households are reliant on borrowing to get by.
TUC General Secretary Frances O’Grady said:
“Household debt is at crisis level. Years of austerity and wage stagnation has pushed millions of families deep into the red.
“The government is skating on thin ice by relying on household debt to drive growth. A strong economy needs people spending wages, not credit cards and loans.
“Our economy is not working for workers. They need stronger rights and bargaining powers. Trade unions should be allowed the freedom to enter every workplace to negotiate higher wages.”