Five tower blocks in Hulme and Rusholme have joined the nationwide list of buildings deemed unsafe following the Grenfell fire disaster in London nearly two weeks ago.
The blocks are all run by the social landlord One Manchester and ate thought to have the same aluminium type cladding as that in London where a fire swept through the building claiming at least 79 lives.
The five are Westcott Court, Hulme, Platt Court, Rusholme, Fulton Court, Hulme, Worsley Court, Rusholme and Duffield Court, Hulme
A statement on the One Manchester website said, “Our staff have visited customers in all of these blocks today to inform them of these results. As we receive the test results for each of the remaining tower blocks we will communicate this information to residents of those blocks immediately.”
The organisation added that:
A contractor has been appointed to remove the ACM cladding as soon as possible and we are liaising with Manchester City Council and the Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service. We all want to ensure that all necessary safety measures are in place to avoid the need for homes to be evacuated for any period.
“24-hour security is now in operation in every tower block to provide a ‘wakeful watch’ to raise the alarm and manage the building evacuation in the event of a fire,” added One Manchester.
We appreciate that this news may cause some concern, particularly for our tower block residents. We will therefore be sending additional staff to all tower blocks for the next few weeks so that we have people on site to answer residents’ questions. We will also be holding drop-in sessions throughout the week for block residents starting this afternoon.