City of Trees is hoping to inspire children to get out and about in Greater Manchester’s great outdoors with a wildlife walk, free activity ideas and more.
The ‘Go Wild in the Woods’ campaign is being led by leading environmental charity City of Trees in the run up to National Tree Week (25th November – 3rd December).
As well as planting 3 million trees across Greater Manchester, and bringing woodland back into use, City of Trees wants to connect people to the nature on their doorstep.
A recent study highlighted that seven-out-of-10 people feel they are losing touch with nature and more than a third of parents admit they could not teach their own children about British wildlife.
The campaign will be launched with a free family-friendly walk at Smithills Estate in Bolton on Sunday 19 November. Children will get to try and spot the wonderful wildlife on site, create journey sticks and take in the awesome autumn colours.
City of Trees is also equipping families with free activity ideas such as mini-beast hunts and building bug hotels that they can do in a local park or woodland, or back at home on a rainy day.
They have also produced a ‘Where to go’ guide to help give Greater Manchester residents a taste of some of the region’s top parks and woods with local gems including Manchester’s Heaton Park and Wigan’s Haigh Woodland Park.
Families are being encouraged to share their wild woodland times with the charity via facebook, Instagram and twitter using #gowildinthewoods with top prizes to be won for the best pictures, including family passes to Treetop Nets and Treetop Trek in Heaton Park – plus goody bags for the runners up.
Sarah McNally, City of Trees, comments “Trees and woods are an essential part of the future of any town and city. Not only do they create healthier, happier communities and tackle climate change but they also provide homes for wildlife.
“They also help to connect our children to the natural world and are an important tool for them to learn about the nature on their doorstep.”
Families can download their free activity sheets and ‘Where to go’ guide at
Share your wild woodland times via twitter, instagram or facebook during National Tree Week (25th November – 3rd December) to win. Just use the hashtag #gowildinthewoods and tag @cityoftreesmcr