That’s the question that Cognative Scientist Steven Pinker will be asking next week.
The event, part of the forthcoming Manchester Literature Festival, sees the Professor of Psychology at Harvard University drawing on the latest research in linguistics and cognitive science.
Pinker’s The Sense of Style: The Thinking Person’s Guide to Writing in the 21st Century explains why style still matters, in communicating effectively, in earning a reader’s trust and, not least, in adding beauty to the world.
Steven is an award-winning cognitive scientist, public intellectual and his bestselling books include The Language Instinct and Words and Rules.
The event is a European City of Science event presented in partnership with The University of Manchester. The event will be chaired by Professor Daniel M. Davis, author of The Compatibility Gene.
When Tuesday 1st September 6.30 pm
Where University Place,The University of Manchester,Oxford Road,Manchester,M13 9PL
Tickets HERE