Special items from Manchester’s extensive collection of Irish archives will be displayed to the public at a handling session this St Patrick’s Day.
The handling session takes place in Central Library’s Shakespeare Hall (front entrance), from 12 – 2pm on Tuesday 17 March.
Archivists will be on hand to explain the history of the treasures, including bibles and texts written in Irish dating back to the late 18th century.
A newly acquired range of Irish fiction will also be on offer in the City Library (lower ground floor), while materials relating to Club Cheoil will be displayed in the interactive Archives+ Centre from Thursday 12 March.
Club Cheoil was a voluntary organisation founded in 1991, to promote Irish traditional music and young musicians in Manchester. Club Cheoil’s aims were to raise the profile of Irish traditional music, bring celebrated artists to Manchester and promote local Irish traditional musicians.
Club Cheoil staged performances at venues including the Royal Exchange theatre and the Bridgewater Hall, while featuring at the Manchester Irish Festival annually by hosting traditional music performances and workshops in a wide variety of community venues – including public libraries, local theatres, clubs and pubs.