Brexit’s green plans need strengthening

The proposals to defend the environment after Britain’s exit from the European Union are “far too weak”. That is the view of the Wildlife Trusts...

United Utilities warns of water restrictions if drought continues

If demand does not reduce further and there is no significant change in the weather we are more likely to need enforced restrictions says...

A plant has been found on Astley Moss, 150 years since it was last...

The white beak sedge has surprised officers from the Wildlife Trust. And by coincidence, it was found as the Great Manchester Wetlands Partnership have been...

Aeroplane lab samples pollution from moorland fires

Scientists at the University of York have flown over the plumes of smoke rising from Saddleworth Moor in an adapted research aircraft to sample...

Greater Manchester’s Spatial planning results are delayed again

The publication of the plans for Greater Manchester’s Spatial Planning (GMSF) will now not be published until October as it is revealed that projected...

Greenpeace protests outside Barclays in City Centre

Greenpeace volunteers in Manchester turned up outside Barclays in the City Centre on Saturday to raise public awareness of the Bank's financial support for...

30% of the UK’s natural gas could be replaced by hydrogen, cutting carbon emissions

Almost a third of the natural gas fuelling UK homes and businesses could be replaced by hydrogen, a carbon free fuel, without requiring any...

Greater Manchester’s Invisible Killer

New study out today shows 1.6 million life years will be lost in Greater Manchester in the coming century due to air pollution if...

Call for schools to help new trees take root across the region

Environmental charity City of Trees is calling both primary and secondary schools to get in touch if they want pupils to help plant trees...

Young people breathe life into Greater Manchester’s second Clean Air Day

Young people across Greater Manchester are gearing up for a national day of action to tackle the growing threat of polluted air in our...