Twenty five year old Sean Jones was sentenced yesterday at Bolton Crown Court after pleading guilty in July to sending a letter conveying a threat, threats to commit damage, and possession of a mobile phone in prison.

The court heard how Jones, who was a serving prisoner in Greater Manchester, had been due to move to an alternative prison in November 2019 due to his disruptive attitude.

Jones later became aware of the move and, unhappy with the decision, requested a meeting with a prison official. During the meeting Jones passed the prison officer a note detailing threats directed towards the officer’s family if he was transferred.

The letter was immediately reported to police and Jones was later transferred to a prison in the North East of England in February 2020.

The court heard how, during the move, he made further threats towards staff. A mobile phone was later discovered among his property.

On 23 November 2020, the day Jones was due to be released from prison for possessing an imitation firearm and dangerous driving, he was arrested and charged for blackmail and remanded in custody.

Police Constable David Fairhurst, of GMP’s Wigan Division, said: “This crime was carefully thought out and planned, and Jones used intimidation and threats to try and get what he wanted.

“The threats left the victims feeling worried for the safety of their families. It is clear that this is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.

“It is only right that Jones remains behind bars for the next four and half years.”


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