While attending university is an exciting and admirable decision, it can also be a very anxious time. Not only are you riddled with worry about whether you’re going to make the grades you want and graduate when you want to for your ideal career, but on top of that you’re also exposed to anxiety regarding a complete change in your lifestyle and living situation.
Here are some important ways you can familiarise yourself with your upcoming new experience, and hopefully feel better about it.
Take Part in Social Groups
You should see whether your university or chosen course is hosting any social events prior to the university commencement date. This will give you a chance to integrate yourself with your fellow students and the people you will be studying alongside, and may help you to even make firm friends before your university time has even begun.
This will make it a lot easier on your first day if you have already established relationships and connections you can depend on, and not feel so alone in your experience.
Get to Know Your Accommodation
When you’re feeling anxious, you need to know that you have a safe space to retreat to – and this will always be a place you can call home. It can be daunting to know that your student accommodation might mean that you’re sharing with unknown flatmates, or have a living situation you’re not entirely experienced with, but getting to know your accommodation can really help to alleviate any nerves. Services like Student Accommodation Bournemouth offer virtual tours and online booking to make the process a lot easier, too.
Try to meet your new flatmates ahead of time, and be sure that they are the right fit before you commit to any accommodation option. Just because you have to share doesn’t mean you can’t be picky about who your ideal roommate would be. Take a tour of your accommodation and ask any questions to alleviate anxiety.
Explore Your New University and Location
Anxiety easily increases when you are drawing up a blank about your university location and where you’re going to be living. Familiarising yourself with your new campus and the surrounding area will help you to feel more at ease about what you have to hand, places you can explore, or even something as simple as knowing where the nearest supermarket is.
Anything helpful you can learn about your new location will help to ease your anxiety.
Research Tips from Students Who Have Graduated
A lot of universities provide stories and reviews from students who have attended the university and since graduated. These might be reviews regarding a specific course, or tips in general. You should see whether these are available to be read on your chosen university’s website, or alternatively you could look online for tips from students who have graduated, and what advice they would offer students beginning university for the first time.
This can help you to understand what the experience will be like, and you can then take away valuable advice from students who have already been there and done that, along with what they have learned.