A special  school in Wythenshawe, Piper Hill Vocational Learning Free School, is to become the latest free school to open in the region.

The school will help children with severe learning difficulties and autism spectrum disorder to improve their independence and employability skills through a range of courses that include horticulture and animal welfare.

The announcement comes on the day that Prime Minister David Cameron vowes he will “not waver” in his commitment to open 500 new free schools over the next five years, as he announced the first wave to be approved this parliament and pledged to deliver two waves of new schools every year until 2020.

The first 18 projects of this parliament have had the green light, creating more than 9,000 places across the country and giving more families the choice of an excellent education for their children than ever before.

The Piper Hill Learning Trust, sponsor of Piper Hill High School, judged to be outstanding by Ofsted in March 2013, will be opening a unique vocational special free school in 2016. The Piper Hill Vocational Learning Free School will provide 25 much needed places for 11- to 19-year-olds with severe learning difficulties and autism spectrum disorder. 

The school’s focus will be on developing personal independence, employability skills and preparing these young people for the world of work. Hospitality, catering, horticulture, and animal welfare will provide real life work experience for pupils. The school, in Wythenshawe, will primarily serve the central and south Manchester areas.


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