The Tories have pulled support for their two candidates over the Tory betting scandal.

The move comes Thirteen days after the allegations first came to light about one candidate Craig Williams

Craig Williams & Laura Saunders are no longer Tory candidates at the general election it has been announced after they were accused of betting on the timing of the General Election

A Conservative Party Spokesman said

“As a result of ongoing internal enquiries, we have concluded that we can no longer support Craig Williams or Laura Saunders as Parliamentary Candidates at the forthcoming Genera Election. We have checked with the Gambling Commission that this decision does not compromise the investigation that they are conducting, which is rightly independent and ongoing.”

Meanwhile Labour suspended Kevin Craig as a candidate after the Gambling Commission launched an investigation into him.

It is understood he bet that he was going to lose in Central Suffolk and North Ipswich.

Posting on X Craig said:

“Throughout my life I have enjoyed the odd bet for fun whether on politics or horses.

A few weeks ago when I thought I would never win this seat I put a bet on the Tories to win here with the intention of giving any winnings to local charities.

While I did not place this bet with any prior knowledge of the outcome, this was a huge mistake, for which I apologise unreservedly.

I have so much respect for how Keir Starmer has changed the Labour Party and I have been fighting so hard to win this seat and change the country alongside him.

However, it is right that the party upholds the highest standards for its Parliamentary candidates – just as the public expects the highest standards from any party hoping to serve in government.”



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