Half of all transport emissions in Britain come from just one in five people, a new report reveals while prople with an income over £100k travel at least double the distance each year of those earning under £30k

New analysis by the think tank IPPR reveals how the climate crisis is fuelled by a few ultra-wealthy individuals

A small minority of the population are creating the majority of transport emissions.

Half of all transport emissions in Britain come from just one in five people (15 per cent) and the worst polluting 10 per cent of the population are responsible for four tenths (42 per cent) of all transport emissions.

The data finds that income is directly linked to levels of mobility. People with an income over £100,000 travel at least double the distance each year compared to those with incomes under £30,000.

The research also finds that that Men are more likely to be high emitters than women, travelling significantly further by both car and plane

People from more deprived neighbourhoods tend to travel significantly less and emit less greenhouse gas than those from the least deprived and People with a disability are likely to travel far less than those without (including by plane), and their emissions are much lower as a result

People from a non-white British ethnicity tend to travel less far and emit less and those aged 35 to 64 emit the mostfrom private transport

The UK has made limited progress over the past three decades in reducing emissions from transport, which is now the country’s largest emitting sector.

The report states that to decarbonise transport in the UK, the government must improve public transport, boost active travel and speed up the transition to electric vehicles. This must include the Committee on Climate Change and the UK government doing more to put fairness and the British public at the heart of their net zero plans.

The think tank recommends introducing   new taxes on private jets, including both increased air passenger duty and a kerosene tax and Lifting the ban on municipal bus fleets, making franchising of buses easier and ensuring the rail network is run in partnership with local leaders

They say the Government should reinstated the 2030 ban on the purchase of new internal combustion engine vehicles and realigning the Zero Emission Vehicle mandate behind this.

Dr Maya Singer Hobbs, senior research fellow at IPPR, said:

Our transport system both reflects and contributes to social inequalities. Reducing emissions can actually tackle some of that injustice, if done fairly. But while not everyone needs to make the same changes, those who are financially best off need to do the most.”





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