There was still no let up in the queues outside the recruitment offices around Manchester.

The first wounded soldiers from Lancashire had arrived in Birmingham following the fighting at Mons.

Their injuries, said the report, were mainly shrapnel related and were to the head and the limbs.

Tales from the battle made bleak reading, the Germans outnumbering the British Expeditionary Forces by 100-1 according to one soldier adding

“that as we knocked them down they simply filled up their gaps and came at us again.”

The shelling was describes as appalling according to another soldier, who had fought in South Africa and added that it had been a game of skittles in comparison.

Over six hundred clerks and young Manchester businessmen had marched to the Town Hall from Ardwick demanding to talk with The Lord Mayor over the delays in medical examinations for recruits.

There were, they said, only two doctors to deal with over 2000 applicants

An Owens College lecturer, described as a mining engineer of German descent, was in court in London charged with failing to register as an enemy alien. He had claimed to have been born in Manchester in 1865 or 1867, that his father was American or English and his mother was of German extraction. However there was no trace of his birth in this country and it was claimed that he was born in Germany in 1863. He was bailed with two sureties of £150.

An eleven year old boy was killed in Hulme while playing in the lorry loaded with timber in City Roadhe fell and was crushed by falling timber and was pronounced dead on arrival at the Royal infirmary.

Fighting was continuing in France though reports were scarce.The French were successfully holding back the German forces from crossing the river Dun as they tried to advance on Paris. It was reported that the town of Amiens had fallen to the German troops.There was no news of the British army but Lord Kitchener, alluding to the seriousness of the situation, was calling for more volunteers for the army.


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