An exploding meteorite caused some alarm across the region, its appearance filling the skies with illumination, giving cause for wild rumors of airships and invasions.
A letter to the Manchester Evening News complained of the charges for posting parcels to the front, the writer was charged 9d more than the items in the parcel were worth.
It was estimated that 37,000 men in the Greater Manchester area had now offered their services to their country, men were still joining at the rate of around fifty a day.
The death was announced of Mr O’ duthie a former director of education in Salford , originally from Liverpool.
” during his long connection with the borough, his powers of organization and his business abilities have been great service to the ratepayers”
The first funeral of a German soldier took place at the Southern Cemetery. He had died at the Whitworth Street Hospital.Little was known about him other than he was a private and his name was Fricher and had been shot in the head.
The funeral service was simple , the coffin partly covered in a German flag
Outside of Manchester, concerns were being aired about the situation in South Africa where a rebellion had broken out, martial law had been declared across the union.
The news from the western front was that the allies had resumed their offensive while the town of Lille had been attacked and occupied by German troops.