Only three hundred men were now wanted to compete the fourth Manchester battalion it was announced
Heaton Park was to be used for training the new battalions, the first was due to go there in the next couple of days and it was hoped the second battalion would follow shortly after.
It was being reported that the Committee in charge of relieving distress amongst the wives and families of soldiers and sailors was finally making some headway against the backlog of applicants.
One of four distributing centres now open, more than two thousand people attended Cheetham Hill Town Hall with women queuing out onto the street. Council workers were being helped by volunteers to cope with the many applications.
An Old Trafford resident had recieved a message from his brother in Hamburg.
” so far as Hamburg is concerned,at any rate we do not believe the reports of Britishers being badly treated -we are treated with the greatest consideration the only extra restriction being that we cannot leave the country.”
Mancunians were being advised how to economise in food. An advert for Brown and Polson corn flour told them a one pound packet could make twelve one pint puddings each sufficient for three people. Substitute this for more expensive sweets and keep your food bill down
Normal life continued. Richard Radcliffe of Gladstone Street in Pendleton was sent to prison for fourteen days for cruelty to a cat, he had placed it in a bah and kicked it the court was told
The House of Commons voted for half a million. More men to join the army, since war broke out numbers were now up to 900,000
It was estimated that at least 30,000 Mancunians had answered Lord Kitcheneers call.
Another one hundred and fifty enemy aliens left the city for internment camps in Lancaster with a crowd of sightseers gathering at Exchange station to see them off.