A consultation has opened giving people across the borough the chance to have their say on how Oldham should develop in the future.
The council is preparing a new Local Plan – a document which will guide and manage growth and developments, such as housing, the local economy and community facilities, up to 2039.
Through previous consultations, people across the borough have been helping us to develop the plan. It is now at draft plan stage – and once again, we want you to share your views.
Cllr Elaine Taylor, Cabinet Member for Housing and Licensing, said: “The Local Plan is a really important document that will shape the future of Oldham for the next 15 years, including how we make decisions on planning applications.
“The home you live in, the building where you work, your local supermarket – all of these developments at some point will have been through the planning process.
“Planning affects many aspects of our lives, and this consultation is an opportunity for you tell us what you think about the policies in the Draft Plan and to help shape the future of your town.”
The Local Plan includes policies to protect the environment, address climate change and increase accessibility for all residents.
It will also help to develop supporting infrastructure, such as transport, education and utilities.
We want to know what matters most to our residents and businesses so that we have the buildings, homes and jobs that work for Oldham.