As exam season looms, the world’s first revision powered vending machine is set to appear on university campuses across the country, helping students’ study with certified exam board questions, giving away oodles of free Pot Noodles and a whole host of extra special surprises.
The machine encourages students to use their noodle, testing them across a number of academic fields, from science to sociology – with general revision tips also included.
Answering questions will allow users to unlock free food, giving them the vital substance needed to help students make it through revision with a quick, easy and filling meal – appealing to all their instant noodling needs.
As well as dispensing free and tasty snacks, the machine is set to drive student’s potty with the chance to win a month’s worth of tuition fees via a golden ticket found on the bottom of one pot.
The money saved on tuition can be put towards more important pursuits – giving students the cash top help them pursue their passions without fretting about fees. More simply, it could also go an extra takeaway on a Tuesday.
The vending machine is set to appear at University of Manchester – 7th May and University of Salford – 9th May
The vending machine won’t be the only way students can unlock exciting opportunities – with more fun activities taking place at each university. The ‘Reach For Your Dreams Run’ will pit students against each other in a bungee run that sees them hurtle down an inflatable course, encouraging them to strive for their dreams.
The reward? Some of the weirdest and wackiest internships in the world – from assisting in an extreme sports competition, delving into the world of 3D printing, picking elderflower for production of gin to making viral videos with premier league footballers.
Each activity is taking place in a bid to inspire students to unleash their potential, helping them to make it in their own way and forming part of a wider partnership with graduate recruitment site, GradBay. A total of 22 internships will be up for grabs throughout exam season, set to inspire students to try a taste of the unconventional. *
Lena Porchmouth, Brand Manager at Pot Noodle, said:
“At Pot Noodle, we’re always looking for new ways to help students make it, encouraging them to reach for their dreams.”
“As exam season begins, there’s no better time for us to keep bellies full and brains ticking than with the world’s first revision powered vending machine.”
“Not only are we hoping to help students’ power through exam season, but we’re hoping the internships on offer will help catapult them to the job of their dreams too.”