Visitors to Chetham’s Library in Manchester are being invited to step back in time and discover the story of radical activist Samuel Bamford

Visitors to Chetham’s Library in Manchester are being invited to step back in time and discover the story of radical activist Samuel Bamford, to mark the 203rd anniversary of the Peterloo Massacre.

Meanwhile, at The Stoller Hall, August’s events programme features award-winning folk music and improvised jazz, and Chetham’s School of Music is opening its doors to young musicians aged 11-17 for a week-long music course with its world-leading tutors.

Chetham’s Library will be commemorating the Peterloo anniversary this August with a special recital of Bamford’s two acclaimed written works, ‘Early Days’ and ‘Passages in the Life of a Radical’, as well as excerpts from his extraordinary poetry collection in Chetham’s historic Baronial Hall.

As part of this commemoration for Peterloo, the recital will be performed by actor Neil Bell, who portrayed Samuel Bamford himself in Mike Leigh’s 2018 feature film, ‘Peterloo’, which depicts the ill-fated public demonstrations from 1819 that took place in St. Peter’s Fields (now St. Peter’s Square in Manchester City Centre).

Joining Bell for this performance is Jennifer Reid Lancashire’s Broadside Balladress, who will intersperse the event with performances of contemporary folk songs inspired by Peterloo. Chetham’s Library will take you back to the time of Peterloo and the struggle for votes and bread, through the life and works of English radical reformer and poet, Samuel Bamford, who narrowly escaped the noose for treason.

Chetham’s is also home to The Stoller Hall, a world-class music venue, and Chetham’s School of Music, the UK’s leading specialist music school, based in the heart of Manchester.

At The Stoller Hall, events this August include folk acts Fellow Pynins and Emma Ruth Rundle as well as jazz ensemble Janek Gwizdala Trio. The Stoller Hall at Chetham’s is one of Manchester’s newest live music venues, a spectacular 500-seat venue for classical, folk, jazz and contemporary music. Tickets on sale via:

Meanwhile, at Chetham’s School of Music, tutors are throwing open the doors to their world-leading specialist music facilities and inviting young musicians aged 11-17 to join them for a week-long residential music course, with the chance to perform on The Stoller Hall stage. More information is available via:



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