New legislation that comes into force today could mean that anyone using laughing gas to get high could face up to two years in prison
People selling it for the same purpose see potential sentences increased from seven to 14 years.
The new law means that Nitrous Oxide, or ‘laughing gas’, is now classified as a class C drug.
From today,those found in unlawful possession will face either an unlimited fine, a visible community punishment, or a caution – which would appear on their criminal record – and for repeat serious offenders, a prison sentence of up to two years.
In 2020/21, nitrous oxide was the third most used drug among 16- to 59-year-olds in England and Wales according to NHS data. A separate ONS report suggested that equates to around 230,000 young people who inhaled this harmful substance in England and Wales in the year ending June 2022.
The Government says that Heavy nitrous oxide use can result in serious health harms such as neurological damage and even death due to the risk of falling unconscious and/or suffocating from the lack of oxygen.
Associated antisocial behaviour causes wider harm felt by communities and to the environment. This includes group gatherings to abuse the drug in public spaces, such as children’s parks or high streets, and subsequent littering of the discarded canisters. There have also been several deaths connected to drug driving incidents.