Rochdale has been jailed for 28 years following an investigation into non-recent sexual abuse in Rochdale.
Fifty six year old Ajaz Ahmed was investigated as part of part of GMP enquires under Operation Lytton after a woman disclosed that she had been raped by several men whilst at a party in a flat in Rochdale. At the time, she was 13 years old.
Specially trained detectives supported the victim and they conducted a drive round to help her identify the flat which the offence occurred in. She identified a house on Drake Street, in Rochdale town centre which was found to belong to Ahmed
When officer’s first spoke to Ahmed, he admitted that he owned the building, but had no recollection of who his tenants were at the time of the reported offences. As part of the enquiries, police spoke to a young woman who disclosed that at aged 15, she had been in a coercive and controlling relationship with Ahmed, during which, he had raped, sexually assaulted, and assaulted her on multiple occasions.
Ahmed had lied about his age, claiming to be 27, and over the course of several years, he subjected her to a horrific and sustained period of control and physical and sexual abuse.
As part of the enquiries, police also spoke to a woman who was a friend of the first victim at the time. She spoke of Ahmed’s controlling and abusive behaviour and disclosed that on the first occasion that she met him, just before her 16th birthday, he sexually assaulted her. Fearing for her safety, she never reported this offence at the time.
On several occasions, Ahmed bought the girls a bottle of alcohol and tried to get them drunk, and made sexual remarks towards them.
As part of enquiries, officers approached further women as potential witnesses. Several went on to disclose they too were the victims of sexual abuse by Ahmed.
A third woman reported that she was raped by Ahmed. She met him one day at a café he owned, and during a conversation, she explained that she was in need of somewhere to live. He offered her one of his flats in exchange for work at the café.
After a few weeks of working for him, he sexually assaulted her whilst she was in the kitchen, and regularly made sexual comments to her.
On one occasion, Ahmed took the vulnerable girl to various night clubs and bought her alcoholic drinks. When they returned home, he took her into the basement of the Drake Street property and sexually abused and raped her. When she tried to stop him, he threatened to kick her out, leaving her homeless. Feeling like she had no choice but to stay, Ahmed raped her.
A fourth victim was also identified as the enquiries developed. A girl who was 15 years old explained how she met Ahmed, who she knew as AJ. Ahmed later offered her a room to stay in the Drake Street property. Ahmed would let himself into her property unannounced. One night, when people were over drinking, the victim tried to leave to go to bed. Ahmed was laughing with several men he had invited over, saying ‘she doesn’t pay rent’ and he raped her whilst laughing with the others present. When he finished, the victim described how he asked the others who wanted to go next.
Ahmed began to regularly rape her, often telling her to get ready for the other men who were coming. By this, he meant she had to get undressed.
A fifth victim disclosed that she met Ahmed when she was 17. He picked her up one night and offered her a place to stay as it was late but said she would have to give the men something in return. She said no, and he took her back to his property on Drake Street, where he sexually assaulted her.
Following a complex and meticulous investigation by detectives, it is evident that Ajaz Ahmed subjected these girls to horrific abuse, using his flat and café as a means of accessing and abusing underage and vulnerable girls.
Detective Constable Ann Cooper Poole, officer in the case, said: “It took just one brave survivor to come forward, speak to our officers and detail her abuse, and it opened up an entire case which resulted in us obtaining evidence that Ahmed was a callous and prolific sex offender.
“These girls had their childhoods and teen years tainted in the most abhorrent way, and they experienced what no one should ever experience. I want to commend their bravery for coming forward and speaking to us. They played a vital role in reaching today’s outcome; ensuring justice is reached and that this man is put behind bars, unable to cause any further harm to the community.
“Regardless of the time passed since you were affected by crimes of this nature, please come forward and report it to us. We are here to listen to victims and give them a voice when they are ready, and you will be supported by specialist partner agencies throughout the investigation and beyond, to give you the support you need to rebuild your lives.
“I hope this case will give other survivors of sexual abuse the confidence to com forward. It is never too late to seek justice.”