The proportion of people in Britain who are very or somewhat worried about the effect of Covid-19 on their life right now has risen to 74%, the highest percentage since restrictions started easing at the end of May.
The latest Coronavirus and the social impacts on Great Britain report released this morning by the Office for National Statistics also found that levels of socialising, eating out and travel have decreased this week after increasing through the summer.
The percentage of adults that left their home to meet up with people in a personal place had the largest decrease, at 20% this week compared with 30% last week.
There was a decrease in the proportion of working adults travelling to work this week, with around 6 in 10 (59%) doing so (either exclusively or in combination with working from home), compared with 64% last week.
Around 4 in 10 working adults reported that they intend to work from home in the next seven days if they are able to do so.
Of those who have people in the household attending university this year and are very or somewhat worried about students returning, 67% said they were most worried about the quality of education that they will receive due to changes made because of the coronavirus.
Responses to this survey were taken after the UK Government and devolved administrations announced changes to national measures in response to the coronavirus on 22 September 2020.
However, most questions relate to the past seven days, therefore responses this week may relate to before these measures were put in place.