Recent improvements in battery technology have seen the popularity of electric motorbikes rise in an unprecedented manner. Instead of being seen as a simple commuter tool, electric motorbikes are gaining such power under the hood that they’re now being seen as real contenders against the usual sport bikes we know and love. Add to that the fact that they’re also environmentally friendly and economical and it begs the question, “why wouldn’t you buy an electric motorbike?”
While general motorists and businesses are still very much shying away from the pricey electric cars we see such as the Tesla and other hybrid options, electric motorbikes are fast becoming a much more viable option. More and more companies are now bringing new products to the market in terms of battery life and power but when it comes to such advanced technology, it pays to stick with those who specialise.
E-Rider specialise in electric bikes and electric motorbikes in the UK. From electric mopeds to motorbikes and even electrically assisted bicycles, you’ll find not only a variety of bikes to choose from, but a variety of top quality bikes assisted by the most advanced technology out there.
Electric Motorbikes Are Us!
Just as their petrol-powered siblings have restrictions, in terms of licensing, so too do electric bikes. This will always be based upon the speed offered by each vehicle. Before you start worrying about which licence is required for which bike however, simply take a peek at our website. It offers all the information you need. On each model, you’ll find a full write up of not only the power available in each bike, from speed to range, but you’ll also find a legal section explaining the minimum license required for each bike too.
Legal requirements aside, our range of electric motorbikes are nothing short of awesome. From the great Model 40 all the way through to the Model 75, you can pick the ideal bike for your ability and needs. Each model offers various speed abilities and ranges and what’s more, you’ll be pleased about the price too.
The mere mention of electrically powered vehicles seems to bring with it an assumption of great expense. With E-Rider bikes however, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Not only are electric bikes priced in a bracket that makes them incredibly affordable, but we also now have an amazing autumn sale!