Did you know that everyone who donates more than £1,000 to St Ann’s Hospice’s Build it Together new hospice appeal will have their name displayed on their recognition wall in the new building?
St Ann’s want to celebrate their supporter’s generosity as building work starts for the new hospice building in Heald Green.
All donations and fundraising made to the new hospice appeal will count towards the £1,000 recognition, including monthly donations and event fundraising, not just one-off donations.
Dushyant Mehta’s wife was cared for by St Ann’s Hospice, and now volunteers for the charity. Dushyant says: “My late wife, Asha, passed away at St Ann’s after fighting breast cancer. Our family had always tried to support St Ann’s, even before her illness.
“Together with my two sons, we’re now sponsoring part of the new St Ann’s garden. Asha would have loved it. And I’m told, as we’ve donated over £1,000, our name will be on a donor wall in the new hospice. It’s not why we helped, but it is an honour to Asha’s life.”
Over the past months St Ann’s have been working to clear the land where the new hospice will be built and now they have started to construct the building. The coming months are critical for the new hospice as the building starts to take shape.
The new purpose-built hospice will have private bedrooms, spacious and welcoming treatment rooms and space for patients and their loved ones to feel at home – all in beautiful, landscaped gardens.
Every single person who fundraises and donates to the appeal is creating a lasting legacy for the St Ann’s community and the people of Greater Manchester.
Anne-Marie Wynne, Head of Fundraising and Capital Campaign, says: “As St Ann’s Head of Fundraising, I want to thank our incredible community. Some people have sponsored entire rooms, others a few bricks. The amount varies, but the value doesn’t. Every penny is life-changing.
“But we must keep going to finish the new hospice. When I imagine the day our doors to the new hospice open, I get a lump in my throat. I see a light, airy garden residents can access in their beds. No leaky roof or sagging floor. A space that feels like home, with a café to enjoy a slice of normality (and cake). Small things that will make St Ann’s a place for living at the end of life.
“Please gift anything you can to make that day arrive sooner for our patients and their families.”
Individuals, groups and organisations that donate £1,000 or more as a single payment or a combination of payments will automatically have their names included on the donor wall, unless they choose to opt out. Gifts under £1,000 will be recognised on the digital donor wall displayed nearby.
Please visit www.newhospice.sah.org.uk to donate to the Build It Together appeal or find out more.