It’s easy for us to feel overwhelmed at times. Striving to make a difference and live a balanced life outside of your career can get challenging fast. But luckily, there are strategies you can implement to boost productivity, manage stress levels, and achieve success, not only in your career, but also in your personal life. We have gathered some pearls of wisdom that any successful boss lady should adapt to master stress management.
Get Organized
Stress can often exhibit itself by feeling like you have a never-ending to-do list run through your mind. This may make it hard to shut off at night to get a good night’s rest or may make it difficult to focus on other important things. To help stay on task, begin each day by writing a to-do list. Prioritizing is key here — put each task in order of importance starting with anything urgent. Check off each task as you complete them throughout the day. Having a list you are able to refer back to instead of hoping you remember it all will help you focus more on the job in front of you. The completed tasks checked off your to-do list will remind you that you are capable and on top of it, hopefully, also distancing the feelings of anxiety and stress surrounding your work.
Make Yourself Get Good Sleep
Anxiety and stress can easily be combated with getting proper rest, but how do you ensure you are always getting the best sleep you can? Most successful people should be getting 7-9 hours a night, but as we all know, life gets in the way and that isn’t always possible. To ensure you are getting the most out of your sleep, start enlisting some natural ways to help you drift off easier. Valerian root can help with better sleep – plus, it’s a natural supplement. Try implementing it into your nighttime routine in addition to putting away all electronic screens an hour before bedtime.
You don’t need hours of free time to begin mindfulness meditation. Start each of your mornings dedicating some time to whatever version of meditation feels right for you. A 15-minute stretching session or a breathing session can help you get in tune with what your body needs and clear your head to begin your day. Meditation can help you regain composure and perspective. Maybe it is starting your day by envisioning it — how you want to feel or act, what you want to accomplish, things that give you a sense of higher power. All these tactics can help you feel centered and relieve stress. It can be done with any time constraints and in any location — all you need to do is focus on breathing.
Sweat It Out
We all have routines and personal versions of self-care — whether that is treating yourself to the latest skincare products or a bubble bath — that can help reduce work-related stress. What should be a part of all our self-care routines, however, is a short workout session. There is no better way to combat stress than to sweat it out. Exercising releases endorphins and helps lower cortisol production. Both these are key in stress reduction, not to mention what a workout can do to help counteract being stuck at a desk all day.
Pack Your Meals with Stress-Reducing Foods
To make yourself office-ready, embrace foods that are natural stress relievers. Filling your body with sugary, salty, or processed foods can exacerbate symptoms of stress in the workplace and will add to your low energy, irritability, and high blood pressure. Prep lunches full of nutritious and naturally stress-combating foods like:
- Nuts
- Avocado
- Berries and Citrus Fruits
- Dark Chocolate
- Leafy Greens
These all work to reduce your body’s cortisol (stress hormone) levels and can help ward off high blood pressure which will reduce stress naturally.
Set Boundaries
To prevent feeling burned out and overwhelming stress, set boundaries both at work and at home. Consider what you are saying ‘yes’ to. To be successful in life and at work, we must know our limits and let others know them as well. If you find yourself resenting how much people are demanding from you, assess your boundaries and make firmer ones. Ask yourself, “what is the fairest approach to this for everybody involved?” Be intentional where you are spending your energy.
Change Your Mindset
Not all stress is bad stress. Oftentimes, if we didn’t experience any stress, we wouldn’t be motivated to achieve anything. Pressure can lead to positive things in the workplace. Most of the time, our beliefs and responses to events are what cause stress, not the event itself. How we think about stress matters significantly when aiming to diminish its impact on our lives.